Observation and Case Studies
1. Apple Store, Covent Garden - London
An observation has been carried out to study on how people interact with the glass spiral staircase. Through observation, I have noticed that most people will walk on the outer side of the staircase, which has larger tread, instead of the inner side, which has narrower treads. Also, through some interviews with people entering the store, they said that they see this staircase as a piece of beautifully crafted sculpture. Hence, as a results, it attracts more people to interact with it and eventually lead people towards another level.
Video by Sim Ee Kwang

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.
Photos by Sim Ee Kwang
Click to enlarge image.
2. Camera Obscura & World of Illusions, Castlehill - Edinburgh
An observation has been carried out to study on how people interact with the musical staircase. Through observation, I can see that people are having fun, feeling happy and surprise once they step on the staircase which produces sound. The sound had encourages people to interact more with it by stepping on every single individual steps. Besides, some people might start to play a song by stepping on different notes on the staircase. Consequently, it will help to promote more daily physical activity.
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
Video by Sim Ee Kwang

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.

Photo taken by Sim Ee Kwang.
Photos by Sim Ee Kwang
Click to enlarge image.
3. Arkwright Building - Nottingham Trent University
Although there are only 8 steps leading towards the entrance of arkwright building, it is enough to analyze and observe how an individual interact with the outdoor straight staircases. Through observation, I have notice that most of the people in this video will first use their right leg to climb up the staircase. However, there are less people who climb the staircase by stepping 2 steps at a time. It is possible to assume that the outdoor staircase is still wet after the rain. So, people might be scared to trip over with the slippery conditions.
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
4. Newton Building - Nottingham Trent University
Now, it is an interior straight staircase that takes 10 steps to reach to the atrium of newton building. Through observation, I have notice that majority of people first use their right leg to climb up the staircase too. However, there are also larger amount of people climbing the staircase by stepping 2 steps at a time. Besides, I have also find out that people who are carrying heavy loads (0:36) will prefer to use the lift rather than to take the staircase.
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
5. Boots Library - Nottingham Trent University
The straight staircase at Boots Library is centrally located. The design of the staircase basically connects 3 levels. Personally, the staircase gives me a feeling of welcoming and safety. Therefore, through my observations, I can see that it attracts more people to interact with it rather than to use the lift, which had been located at the corner. Besides that, I have observed that people using the staircase in the library had made an effort to keep their feet light by not trying to make noise. In results, there are lesser people who climb up and down the staircase by 2 - 3 steps at a time and try not to run and jump through the staircase. It forms a kind of respect and understanding to both the architecture and user. Lastly, again, I have observed that majority of people first uses their right leg to climb up the staircase.
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
Video by Sim Ee Kwang
6. British Museum - London
When we talk about museum, it is all about exhibiting collections of artifacts and historical, cultural, artistic and scientific objects. British museum had installed a bifurcated staircase upon the entrance to the gallery. It had become one of the exhibiting sculpture. The use of bifurcated staircase had given a sense of freedom for the visitors to choose on either to take the left or right staircase. Through observation, I spot that visitors are interacting with the staircase by seating on it. While for children and teenager, most of them run through the staircase because it brings feeling of excitement, joy, safe and welcoming. Also, I have noticed that many people take photos of the staircase.

Photo by Sim Ee Kwang
Click to enlarge image.
7. The Lighthouse - Glasgow
The spiral staircase located in the lighthouse is one of the key features that attract people to visit the building. It is a sculpture within the space. At time same time, it serves as an architectural element that lead people to keep on climbing up until the top in order to witness the 360 magnificent views of the city of Glasgow. Through the process of climbing the spiral staircase, I have got to realized that by moving up constantly (staircase) will often lead to a reward in return.

Photo by Sim Ee Kwang
Click to enlarge image.
8. The City of Edinburgh
Edinburgh is a lovely city and it is definitely worth the visit. But, I have noticed that Edinburgh's city has many public staircases. It was built mostly everywhere in the city center. I believe it has something to do with the typography of Edinburgh, where there is a difference of contour of the land. However, this is one the unique point of Edinburgh. At the same time, it causes certain difficulties, especially to those who carry a heavy load, disability people or for the elderly. Through my observations, I have observed that the 3 peoples in the photo had used great amount of energy and longer time to move their luggage up to the other street.

Photo by Sim Ee Kwang
Click to enlarge image.