Types of Staircase
In general, there are six types of staircase used in both residential and commercial constructions. Straight stairs, l-shaped stairs, u-shaped stairs, winder stairs, curved stairs as well as spiral stairs (Stair Specialist Inc., n.d.). However, bifurcated stairs is more unique. It was used mostly in public buildings (Suryakanta, 2015). Although there are many types of staircase, each has their own advantages and disadvantages. Besides, there are rules and regulations when it comes to the construction of staircase. For example, the amount of steps or threads in one flight of staircase shall not exceed 16 steps (Popular Stairs, 2011). A platform or landing for rest is required if it has to exceed 16 steps because a lack of such would overly strain bones and musculature, especially for “old and heavily built” persons (Verlagshaus, 2008). Also, in case of a person’s slips or false steps, he will not fall the entire length of the stairs. According to Verlagshaus (2008), falls from stairs and ladders are listed as by far the most common cause of deadly household accidents that claim several thousand lives a year in Germany alone.

1.) Straight Staircase
Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
Straight staircase is one of the most common staircases found in a building. Straight staircase was used in space with low level difference, which allows people to climb up and down without rest (Paco, 2002). It connects 2 different floor levels in a linear line.
Straight staircase is the easiest to measure, build as well as to climb and descend among other staircase. It also works well with the minimalist and simplicity concept. It does not required landing if the number of risers required is below 16 steps and overall linear height is less than 12 feet (Keuka Studios, 2015).
Straight staircase which required more than 16 steps and 12 feet high required a landing for rest which will results in using larger amount of linear space in the design. Also, unlike other staircase which might create privacy barrier at some point between floors of the space, straight staircase does not offer this privacy (Keuka Studios, 2015).
2.) L-Shaped Staircase / Quarter Turn Staircase

Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
L-shaped staircase is an evolved version of the straight staircase which bend in some part of the staircase. Normally, it bends in 90 degrees; however, it can be bent in any degrees not more than 90 degrees depending on the design. The bend transition point is normally added with a landing. If the landing was placed closer to either the bottom or top of the staircase, it is often referred as Long L-Shaped Staircase (Keuka Studios, 2015).
L-shaped staircase creates privacy barriers between floors of the space. It provides a landing for people to rest while climbing and descending. Also, it is safer because false steps will only cause fall right on the landing with given flight. Visually, it looks more appealing and it can be built in the corner of a room (Keuka Studios, 2015). Hence, it saves up lots of space.
L shaped staircase requires more skills and planning to build especially for the handrails and the landing which requires support structure system. In some country with basements, larger item might be difficult to move in and out because staircase are built stacking up each other in order to maximize the usage of space (Keuka Studios, 2015).
3.) U-Shaped Staircase / Half Turn Staircase / Switchback Staircase

Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
U-shaped staircase is the evolved version of the l-shaped staircase. Both the flight is parallel to a straight line with a joined landing. The only difference with the l-shaped staircase with maximum 90 degrees turn is that u-shaped staircase has 180 degrees turn. In some cases where a third flight was added in the middle of the staircase, normally it creates one extra landing. It was referred as a double L-staircase or quarter landing (Keuka Studios, 2015).
U-shaped staircase will be easier and more appropriate to fit into a square architectural plan with bigger space. Besides, it comes with large landing as compared to L-staircase which offers more resting point and it reduces the distance of fall (Keuka Studios, 2015). Also, the space beneath the u-shaped staircase can be used as a storage spaces.
The only disadvantage of installing a u-shaped staircase is that it requires more skills and planning to build (Keuka Studios, 2015).
4.) Winder Staircase

Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
Basically, winder staircase is a modification of l-shape and u-shape staircase. Instead of the flat landing, winder staircase has a triangular or pie shaped steps at the corner transition (Keuka Studios, 2015). Winder staircase was used when the floor level is high which in results requires few extra steps in order to reach the next level.
Winder staircase required lesser space than many other type of staircase because it fully utilizes the landing into few extra steps. Normally, it was used in older homes and sustainable home designs because of its compactness (Keuka Studios, 2015).
Winder staircase eliminates the resting point, which is the landing. Hence, it causes people to be more tiring to climb up and down the winder stairs. Also, the turning point of the triangular and pie shaped steps are often dangerous because of the small stepping area. It is unsuitable to be placed in a public places with heavy traffic.
5.) Curved Staircase

Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
Nowadays, it is rare to see a curved staircase in the constructions. Curved staircase will help makes good expression with its elegance shape. Often, it serves as a sculpture in a building to attract people’s attention to use it. For this reason, it was often located at the entry or the center of a building. Curved staircase may look identical to spiral staircase. The only difference is that curved staircase has much larger radius and will not form a circle shape (Keuka Studios, 2015). “In fact building curved staircase represents a pinnacle of achievement for any stair builder or fabricator. For this reason, they are the most costly to build (Keuka Studios, 2015).”
Curved staircase with elegant line contributes aesthetic value towards a space. Also, it is easy to climb up and down because of its large radius.
To install a curved staircase, it consumes much larger floor area and creates more wasted space. It is by far the most difficult to build out of other staircase because it requires precision calculations and building skills (Keuka Studios, 2015).
6.) Spiral Staircase

Illustrated by Sim Ee Kwang
Spiral staircase was the best option to use within tight spaces (Paco, 2002). Unlike curved staircase, the shape can go more than a circle or 360 degree being constantly rotating up towards another level. Spiral staircase usually is made very compact and the treads radiate around a center pole. Ease of walkability of the staircase much depends on the overall diameter. The larger the diameter, the easier it is for people to climb up and down (Keuka Studios, 2015).
Spiral staircase was popular in small space, such as city lofts because of its compactness. It will be more attractive because of the choices on the railings styles which can have huge impact towards the overall design and appearance of the stair. For support structures wise, it is easier to install as compared to other types of staircase because the landing and center pole is the only structural support (Keuka Studios, 2015).
Spiral staircase can cause difficulties to go up and down especially when someone is carrying an item. Also, it only allows one person to use the staircase at the same time. For these reasons, in some country, the codes will not allow spiral staircase as the primary access to second floor of a home. (Keuka Studios, 2015)