Poor Diet

Figure 10
We do believe that it is important to enjoy the food we eat. But, controlling the right food to eat will make life more enjoyable. Poor diet is one of the main factors that lead to unhealthy lifestyle. Some people might refer it as unhealthy diet or poor nutrition. Sometimes, it is obvious to identify whether a person is suffering from poor diet by just looking at their overall physical look. Usually, poor diet will cause a person to be underweight, overweight or obese. According to Sarah (2015), a health editor who had won various awards for her work regarding health issues, she states that poor diet is now the biggest contributor to deaths in early age across the globe. Also, poor diet is worse than a person who smokes in terms of fatal illness because according to experts at Public Health England, poor diet accounts for 10.8% of total diseases in England while tobacco accounts for 10.7% of total illness (Sophie, 2015). Poor diet simply means one fails to provide his body with the correct amount of nutrients for maximum health (Marcy, 2011). Poor diet can also be defined as over-eating or under-eating by not consuming enough healthy food daily, or to consume too many foods which are low in nutrients (SA Health, 2012).
Cause & Effect of Poor Diet
There are several causes such as consuming high amount of salt, sugar, red meat and not enough vegetables and fruits which lead to poor diet lifestyle (Sophie, 2015). For example, fast foods are one of the leading causes of poor diet (Sara, n.d.). A set of data analyzed from 17,000 adults and children from the October 2003 issue of “Journal of the American Dietetic Association” had showed an insufficient intake of fiber, Vitamin A & C, milk, vegetables and fruits among those who eat fast food against those who do not. Also, fast food eaters had higher calories, saturated fat and sodium intake. By feeding hunger with fast food had leaves less room for good nutrition and health for the body (Jan, n.d.). Poor diet leads to poor nutrient-to-calorie ratio, which will lead to malnutrition and related health problems as well as weight gain (Janet, 2015). According to Shraddha (2015), these are the 10 horrible things that poor diet (junk food) affects our body:
Cause kidney disease.
Causes type 2 diabetes.
Causes fatigue and weaknesses.
Causes depression among teenagers.
Causes fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Trigger digestive problems.
Affects the brain function.
Damage liver.
Increases the risk of heart disease.
Increases the risk of colorectal & prostate cancer.

Figure 11
Food Pyramid
Food pyramid is designed to enable healthy, well-balanced eating habits (Janet, 2015). It is a perfect tool to calculate daily diet with the visual reference that suggests the correct amount of proportion of each food group (Oldways, 2016). Many people have the idea on to start eat healthy food, but they are not sure where to start. Food pyramid can be the best guidance on what food to eat more and cut back (Janet, 2015). Basically, the food pyramid is categorized into six different groups. Each group contains food that have the same type of nutrients. If a person consumes food which is on the top shelf of the food pyramid, which contains high calories, fats, salt and sugar, it will only provide very little nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the body (Safefood, n.d.). In order to fully utilize the food pyramid, a person should consume plenty of rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, fruits and vegetables. While, only consume some cheese, milk, yoghurt, meat, eggs, poultry, nuts and beans. Lastly, restrict small amount of fats and oils and even smaller amount or none of sugar and salt (Safefood, n.d.).