Unhealthy Lifestyle

Figure 9
In the 21st century, more people are living towards an unhealthy lifestyle without either realizing it or to take it as serious issues. Unhealthy lifestyle brings bigger burden because it will eventually lead to suffering from sickness as well as to have higher expenses to cure those sicknesses. According to Ask.com (2016) in a study in the archives of internal medicine, the definition for unhealthy lifestyle is that when a person involves in activities that are known to be harmful to one’s health, such as eating unhealthy food, not exercising frequently, living sedentary lifestyle and not maintaining healthy weight. Sarah (2015) states that according to a 50 year study has proved that unhealthy lifestyle such as poor diet, little exercise and smoking will reduce lifespan for up to 23 years, which was cause by largely preventable illness such as stroke, type two diabetes and heart disease. Researchers have also found that there are 4 lifestyle factors, such as waist size, a lack of physical activity; smoking and poor diet plays a big role in one third of all deaths (Institute of Vibrant Living, 2015). According to University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester (2016), these are the 10 most common health issues that happen globally:
Physical Activity and Nutrition
Overweight and Obesity
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Injury and Violence
Environmental Quality
Access to Health Care