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Waist Size

Figure 12

Waist size is often related to the diet of a person. According to National Health Service (NHS, 2014), the risk of someone’s health is affected by where the body store fats as well as by the body weight. Carrying too much fat around the waist will increase risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. By simply measure the waist, it tells a person’s current health stat. One have higher risk of health problem if their waist size is 94cm (37in) or more for man and 80cm (31.5in) or more for woman.


The benefits of maintaining a healthy waist size is that it will help increase energy and ability to join more activities, improve sleep patterns, improve regulations of bodily fluids and blood pressure, cause less burden to joint, muscle, heart and circulatory system, reduce risk of heart disease and cancers and reduce blood triglycerides, blood glucose, and risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Hannah, 2016).

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Figure 13

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measuring tool that measure and check the weight status based on body weight in relation to the height. It applies mostly to men and women which are aged 20 and above by using the metric BMI formula of weight (kg) divide by height (m) 2 or imperial BMI formula of (weight (lbs.) x 703) divide by height (inches) 2. However, BMI is interpreted by sex and age for adolescents and children between 2 to 20 years old (Hannah, 2016).

Poor Diet

Physical Activity

© 2016 by Sim Ee Kwang.

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