Results and Analytical Data
Within a month, 146 responses were gathered. However, I have only chosen 140 helpful responses to be further analyzed.
The results are shown below.
Question 1: What is your gender?

Question 2: What is your age?

Question 3: How frequently do you exercise?

Question 4: Are you suffering from any health issue such as obesity / overweight /
underweight now?
Question 5: How often do you eat junk food or fast food within a month?

Question 6: Do you think that food and architecture can help shift human away from
unhealthy lifestyle?

Question 7: How likely would you think that food (daily diet) might affects health issue?

Question 8: How likely would you think that architecture (building design and built environment) might affects health issue?

Question 9: In keywords, what do you think of a staircase?
Positive Keyword = 92 Responses

Neutral Keyword = 28 Responses

Negative Keyword = 61 Responses

Question 10: In what situation will you eagerly use a lift rather than staircase?

Question 11: Will you use the stairs instead of the lift if the stairs was designed to be engaging, fun, interactive and user-friendly?

Question 12: Do you often climb up or walk down staircase by 2 - 3 steps at a time?

Question 13: Which leg do you always first used to climb up or walk down the staircase?

After generating a set of results from the questionnaires, I have got to know that 90 respondents (64.3%) that participated in the survey are female. Also, 121 respondents (86.4%) falls under the age group of 18 – 24, which I believe majority of my friends, are around my age of 22 years old too. I am surprised that 96 respondents (68.6%) are living with an active living that they do exercise in between every day to at least once a week. After knowing my respondents exercising frequency, I have analyzed that 108 respondents (77.1%) stays at a normal weight. Although more than half of the respondents are living an active lifestyle and stays within a normal weight, 80 respondents (57.1%) still consume junk food or fast food in between everyday to at least once a week, which might affects their health.
In general, 78 respondents (55.7%) had thought that food and architecture fail to help shift human away from unhealthy lifestyle. To be clearer on their thoughts, I have done more in-depth analysis. The results being 73 respondents (52.2%) had agreed that food completely likely will affects one’s health issue. While, 57 respondents (40.6%) had neither agreed nor disagreed on whether architecture plays a role in affecting one’s health issue. But, 49 respondents (35%) had agreed that architecture very likely and completely likely will affects one’s health issue.
The keywords given by my respondent is interesting. I have arranged all the keyword into 3 categories, which are positive keyword that contain encouraging words, neutral keyword that contain unemotional words and negative keyword that contain unfavorable words. For positive keyword, 23 respondents (25%) had written “welcoming”, 17 respondents (18.4%) had written “transition”, followed by 12 respondents (13%) had written “exercise” and 11 respondents (11.8%) had wrote “necessary”. For neutral keyword, 10 respondents (35.8%) had written “design” and 6 respondents (21.4%) had written “height”. Lastly, for negative keyword, 20 respondents (32.8%) had written “tiring” and 14 respondents (23%) had written “dangerous”.
84 respondents (32.3%) had chosen to use to the lift rather than the staircase if they are carrying a heavy load or item. While 58 respondents (22.3%) wants to save time and 52 respondents (20%) just felt lazy to climb the staircase. It was really an unexpected response that 129 respondents (92.2%) are willing to try on using the interactive staircase instead of the lift. 62 respondents (44.3%) actually climb up and walk down the staircase by 2 to 3 steps at a time. Lastly, 118 respondents (84.3%) will first use their right leg to climb up or walk down the staircase.
Overall, the questionnaire had helped me to clearly understand more about what was people’s opinion towards food and architecture against health issues.